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In collaboration with Lethbridge Polytechnic, Career Transitions, Careers: Next Generation, and Southern Alberta school divisions, the Southern Alberta Collegiate Institute offers career pathway programs for youth in grades 7-12 with the opportunity to explore Trades, Agriculture, and Health Care careers.


Career Pathways are formed from combinations of hands-on learning experiences that gradually narrow from broad exposures and activities, culminating with dual credit courses and programs that provide a head-start in post-secondary study. Career pathways are directed by student choices and may look different for each individual.


We set careers in motion.

We provide innovative experiential programming for students​ that will inspire future thinking, lay a foundation for successful transitions,​ and equip them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in​ various industry sectors.  

We value inclusion, diversity, partnerships, collaboration, and student-centered approaches to learning.

We value a growth mindset, discovery, inquiry, and are committed to lifelong learning.

We value innovative teaching, technologies, and creative thinking and value providing opportunities for student success.

Young chef decorating a cake.
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Working Together

Southern Alberta Collegiate Institute

3000 College Drive S

Lethbridge, Alberta.

T1K 1L6

© 2024 Southern Alberta Collegiate Institute

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