Senior High School Program
Grade 10-12 students within the Southern Alberta Collegiate Institute can navigate several exploratory, dual credit, and work-integrated learning opportunities as they focus their career pathway on an industry sector. Work-Integrated Learning Work-integrated learning allows learning to occur in practical workplace environments and situations. It may take many forms, from short-term practicum placements, where learners may assume some workplace responsibilities in a supervised environment, to internship placements, where learners are hired as short-term employees. Work-integrated learning provides valuable opportunities for learners to acquire essential competencies and connect with industry professionals in their fields of interest.
Trades Dual Credit Pathway Components
Career Internship 10/CTS: An introduction to apprenticeship education, training, regulations and workplace readiness.
Intro to the Trades Course: An exploration of 12 different trades, including practical experience learning a tangible skill in each area.
Specialized Intro to the Trades Courses: These courses explore a cluster of related trades to provide a more in-depth exploration of the industry through experiential learning, including:
Intro to Electrical Trades (Electrician, Powerline, and Wind Turbine)
Intro to Construction Trades (Carpentry, Welding, and Pipe Trades)
Intro to Transportation Trades (Automotive Service, Heavy Equipment, Ag Heavy Equipment and Parts)
Intro to Culinary Trades (Cook and Baker)
Pre-employment Programs: These programs cover the first period of theoretical training required for apprenticeship programs in Electrical, Carpentry, Pipe Trades, and Welding. Students will be eligible to complete the first-period apprenticeship exam at the end of this course.
Agriculture Dual Credit Pathway Components
Foundations in Agriculture Course: An exploration of animal science, agronomy, business and technology through hands-on labs and career discovery.
Green Certificate: Various apprenticeship-style agriculture training opportunities in practical environments. Areas of specialization include beekeeper, cow-calf beef, dairy, equine, feedlot beef, field crop, greenhouse, irrigated field crop, poultry, sheep or swine, agriculture finance, animal science, botany and commodity marketing.
Dual Credit Courses: Four courses exploring areas of study within Agriculture Science (Ag Finance, Animal Science, Botany, and Commodity Marketing).
Health Care Dual Credit Pathway Components
Coming soon.
Dual Credit programming allows grade 10-12 students to take approved post-secondary courses, simultaneously earning credit at both high school and post-secondary levels. Dual credit programming will enable students to:
direct their learning by choosing courses of interest, improving engagement and agency,
experiment with courses applicable to various industries to focus on planning before post-secondary learning and entry to the workforce,
build confidence and develop skills for successful post-secondary and workforce transition,
experience a post-secondary learning environment and meet new people,
complete high school by earning credits toward high school graduation and experiencing an increased sense of engagement.
The Southern Alberta Collegiate Institute offers dual credit programming in Trades, Agriculture, and Health Care.